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Haro Sport

1984 Haro Sport


Also in 1984 Haro introduced a new model called the Sport. This bike was developed for Mike Dominguez for vertical trick riding. The Sport frame is an inch longer than the Master. The steering is slightly slower for more stability and improved handling at higher speeds. There was a prototype model with a single top tube configuration made by Torker. There was a US Torker made version of the production Sport which the rear triangle was identical to the first generation US Master, this is referred to as a 1st generation ’84 Sport. The front triangle of the frame is very similar to the first generation US Master with the obvious exception of the 2 into 1 top tube configuration of all Haro Sports. The serial number is located on the inside of the right rear dropout and its format is as follows: T which stood for Torker followed by two letters which was a date code followed by the four digit production sequence followed by HS which stood for Haro Sport.


The 2nd generation ‘84 Sport was also made by Torker in the US and had several distinguishing features from the 1st generation ’84 Sport. From the seatmast forward the bike is identical to a 1st generation ’84 Sport. From the seatmast back it is completely different. The differences are the seatstays and chainstays substantially taper toward the rear dropouts. The coasterbrake tab has been relocated to the top of the chainstay and the rear dropouts are flared at the bottom to reduce flexing. The serial number format for this bike is as follows: T which stood for Torker, the month of production, the year ‘84, followed by the four digit production sequence, and letter S which stood for Sport. The serial number is located on the inside of the right rear dropout.


The 3rd generation ‘84 Sport is often referred to as an overseas ‘84 Sport. This bike is similar to the 2nd generation ‘84 Sport except the seatmast is about ½ inch taller and there are “chevrons” stamped in the headtube gusset. The seatstays and chainstays taper were reduced slightly to add strength and the ends were closed at the dropouts. The serial number format for this bike is as follows: the year ‘84, month of production, followed by the four digit production sequence. The serial number is located underneath the bottom bracket. The coasterbrake tab was also beefed up on this model as well. These bikes were offered in a white finish only. This was the first of this generation to be offered as a complete bike from the factory, in ’84 the Haro Sport retailed for $289!


1985 Haro Sport


The ’85 Sport is also very similar to the overseas ’84 Sport. The changes to the ’85 Sport were basically the same as the ’85 Master. The ’85 Sport features built in L shaped rear chainstay standing platforms and swedged front forks for added strength. The forks also feature removable standing platforms.


Also new in ’85 were the addition of cable guides that run along the bottom of the top tube and the left inside of the forks for Potts mod cable routing. Another change on the ‘85s is that the twin top tubes were extended an inch further past the seatmast for more standing room. The ’85 Sport also received a new color- Neon Blue!


In late ’85 Haro experimented with the color Pink on a very limited run of ’85 Sports, as the legend goes there were only 5 produced of these as well. The graphics remained basically unchanged for ’85 with the exception of the three accent stripes being changed to two. There are two different decal combinations for the White ’85 Sports. The early versions featured the word “Freestyler” in green on the downtube and the late versions featured the word “Freestyler” neon blue. On the early versions the word “Sport” on the seatmast is solid and the late versions the word “Sport” is outlined.


The serial number for this model is located on the inside of the rear dropout and is in this format: 85 for the year, month of production, e.g.: 03 for March, followed by the four-digit production sequence number.


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